Monday, August 17, 2015

An immigrant success story: Gautam Nath

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

There is a moral to this story!

Somewhere in my journey of life, I heard this story and it carried a great moral so thought would share it with my readers.

One fine summer day, in the countryside, two priests were walking down the pastures till they came across a small stream gurgling in front of them.
The path ended at the stream and it was apparent that they had to wade across to continue their journey.
As they reach the banks, they found a beautiful young girl sitting at the bank; she was crying and she was naked.
The priests looked at each other and then one asked, 'My dear, why are you crying?'
The girl said in a soft sweet voice, 'I have to reach the other side of this stream but I am very scared of water.'
The priest did not say anything but picked her up in his arms and waded across the stream without saying a word.
He then gently put her down on the other bank and began to walk on.
His colleague, walked along besides him but every few minutes turned to him and shook his head in a most disapproving way.
They must have walked on for an hour when it was uncontrollable and the priest asked a question in a hurry, 'How could you hold her in your arms  and walk across, she was naked?'
The priest turned to his colleague and said, 'I dropped her off an hour ago, why are you still carrying her?'