Does that make you proud?
Does that make you enthusiastic about your future?
Does that make to want to reach out and kiss the sky?
Why not I ask, why does it not tickle the bottom of your heart, after all, did you not look forward to a new life, a great country and a blossoming future?
Canada, a country of immigrants, men women children who left their homes to come here to help build a strong nation and a fantastic future not just for them but for generations to come.
You meet someone on the street or in the pub and ask so where are you from? and they say, 'we are Canadians', our grand parents came from India several generations ago. Came they did, with foresight with ambition but as 'Immigrants'.
However do their grand children call themselves 'immigrants' oh! no more, they are proud to be Canadians.
So why the shyness around the word 'Immigrant'. Let me share the vision with you.
Europe, plagued by a great depression and falling economic state in the late 1800's made man sit up and think. We have nothing happening for us here they thought but we have heard about this great land across the seas where nature is at its best, green fertile land, lakes and streams and abundance of timber. It is said a mere 3 months journey by sea and 65% survive the journey so let us take the chance.
Selling all their meager belongings to pay for the journey, these families set asail for their New England, New France or New Scotland as they dream't about.
The journey was difficult, the sea was fierce and the food was unpleasant but 65% did make it. raggedy, tired, hungry, poor and spent they landed, our forefathers - THE IMMIGRANTS.
But time has a changed, life has a moved on and air tickets come online.
No longer are spent men women and children landing upon Canada's shores - tired, raggedy and poor. Instead, Rich in experiences, rich in skills and rich in wealth - these are today's new 'Immigrants'.
They are here to help build the future, to meet Canada's demand for economic growth, here to support what Canada is known as - 'The worlds best place to Live'. What a position to be in and what a honor for Canada however it will be upheld by whom?
The future is ours - Yes it is - it belongs to the new 'immigrants'
So why are we yet termed as immigrants, time has come to make the change, a change that brings enthusiasm, excitement, vision and a great journey ahead.
We are the 'Future Citizens' of Canada and so we are best termed as that today.
Jason Kenney, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, do hear my say for it brings visions for a future that is waiting. Waiting for every Future Citizen.
Would you agree?